The Holiday season is now upon us and Crow Nest Productions and the Pisgah Brew Crew are planning one hell of a good time. We are proud to announce the first annual
Holidaze Alleycat - Scavenger Hunt. Well WTF is an alleycat scavenger hunt you ask, please allow me to explain.We will converge on Pritchard Park at
1:00 on Saturday December 20th for an urban ride in which there will be a few mandatory checkpoints combined with a search for Asheville landmarks and other objectives, clues, and challenges along the route. If you take a shortest route possible you will ride approx. 7-9 miles so bring a bike or costume that can handle a few miles of pedaling.The ride will end at the home of our new sponsor
Indusrty Nine where food and various drinks will be served. A keg or two of
Pisgah Brewing’s finest will of course be in the house so get ready to party and dance into the night after riding your bike around the city for a few hours.The ride is meant to be fun but speed and knowledge of downtown Asheville will certainly help and prizes will be awarded for fastest time and most points as well as other awards. The entry will cost you 5 cans of food that will be donated to a local charity.
What will you need to bring?
A bicycle and light.
A messenger bag or backpack.
Bike Lock
Pen and paper.
Digital Camera or camera phone.
A few bucks for drinks along the way.
A map of the city might help if you don’t know your way around very well.
A cell phone.
5 cans of food.
How it’ll work:
Meet at 1pm by yourself or with a team of 2 to 3 people and be given:
1. Set of clues to look for, either pictures, information, or objects
2. Clue to get to the first mandatory checkpoint.
First three to get to each mandatory and complete the task receive X points. Each objective will have a point value on it as well. At first mandatory checkpoint, follow instructions from volunteer.
To simplify the directions... Show up, ride your bike and party.
Holiday Costumes encouraged. Check back in a few days more details.
Jut Rut